It's Complimentary...

To initiate a relationship with our practice is to schedule a complimentary Consultation.  Remember, in our office, a consultation is a conversation, NOT a commitment. We will discuss your primary health complaint and talk about how we may be able to help.  We also will discuss how our office runs and answer any other questions.  This is a time for you to interview us and for us to interview you.  We want to make sure that your expectations are met and feel this is a great time to get to know one another.

getting Started

Give us a call to schedule your consultation. We look forward to meeting you soon.

If you are ready to commit to change your life, then Dr. Lasko is for you. He is the real deal. His knowledge, experience and commitment to help you make permanent changes is undeniable. I have known him for 7 years, and personally went through a program for my neck that had been debilitating to me and my family. I have been pain free for 6 years! Since then, my husband committed and successfully completed a program for his back and foot, and now my 12 year old son is undergoing a program for his neck, back and hips. We as a family are so thankful for Dr. Lasko, and are huge ambassadors for him and his work.


Move well. Resilient to injury. Be strong for life.